Season 5 Episode 4. WOW. What I love about Californication? Hilarity right from the start. Without giving too much away, Hank gets a surprise visit form a lovely (and equally mentally crazy) friend from New York. Lets get right to the soundtracks featured on “Waiting For The Miracle”.
Marcy and Stu’s dinner party Song 1
Aceite de Coco by Juan Carranza
Marcy & Stu’s dinner party song #2
Andalucia by Johannes Linstead
Charles at the Malibar on his date
Rebel Rebel by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
Marcy & Stu’s dinner party song #3 when Carrie gets upset and leaves
Gypsy Street by Andrew Oye
End of the episode while Hank & Karen sit outside Karen’s house and have a bittersweet heart to heart
Faithfully by Clem Snide