It’s not our job to read into the recent onslaught of releases from Deadmau5. You’ll never see us post the “Top 10 pictures of Deadmau5 and Kat,” but you will see us dive headfirst into his music though. Even though his tracks will get ample blog coverage, our long and loving adoration of his music can’t prevent us from jumping on the bandwagon.
With a EDM community obsessed with “drop culture” as we just now dubbed it, it’s overwhelming refreshing to hear Deadmau5 do what he does best: create rich melody driven music. In “All I Have” and “All I Had” we’re once again brought back to what we first came to love about his music. The depth in sound scape is absolutely overwhelming. They’re carefully orchestrated and mapped together, creating a listening experience that can truly take you away from whatever it is that you’re doing.
We don’t know what Mau5 is going through personally, and it’s not our spot to speculate. We’ve all been there before, and we have to imagine that it’s even more painful when the entire blogosphere is talking it up. So instead of guessing, we’ll just press play, sit back, and enjoy the tunes that he’s been dropping as of late.