TMN: Mr Marshall! Thank you so much for taking some time to chat with us today! We’ve been fans for a long-ass time, and it’s great to finally speak with you.
Crizzly: For sure!
TMN: Let’s kick things off by talking about your signature sound, Crunkstep. How did you come to start making this unique blend of heavy bass, hip hop flair, and razor sharp synths?
Crizzly: Well, I’m from a small, country town, right outside of San Antonio. Everyone listens to country a little bit, but everyone in my high school jammed hip hop. We used to listen to that stuff back in 2000. So, I guess that’s how it influenced my music. Dubstep started getting big at the same time that I started producing, so I guess I just kind of combined the two together – stuff that I grew up on and stuff that I liked in the moment.
TMN: While you have your definitive sound, we definitely pick up other influences, especially Flux Pavillion, with the way you use the combination of high pitched synths with your basslines. Talk to us about some of the people that have helped mold you as an artist.
TMN: We’ve been blogging about you for quite some time. In fact, I personally wrote up your JUSTICE remix back in 2011. How has the ride been over the past few years?
Crizzly: It’s been awesome. It’s a lot of traveling, which is the the toughest part. Everything else has been amazing though. It’s a crazy opportunity to be doing what I love for a living, and to be able to make a career out of it.That was my goal the whole time though – to be self-sufficient, have my own place, and all that…doing what I love.
TMN: One of our favorite tunes of all time was your remix you did with Kids at the Bar, which featured the infamous Skee Lo sample. What made you want to revisit that classic tune?
Crizzly: It was one of my favorite songs that I used to jam to. I’d heard a lot of mashups of it, but I just remembered the outtro of that song. That was my favorite part. So, I sped that up, more dubstep style. I get super inspired when I hear catchy stuff like that. I get to add all my elements around it.
That’s what hip hop is all about: resampling, taking elements from the past and changing it up for what’s cool and current now. I just did it because I loved that song. I’m glad y’all recognized the sample! A lot of people don’t recognize it.
TMN: It seems like some dubstep producers are taking to trap these days. Is this more so in the vein of staying up with the trends, or do you feel like bass-heavy music is somewhat universal, allowing artists to seamlessly go back and forth?
Crizzly: I think bass music is super universal. When it comes to dubstep, everyone started making it because they thought it sounded awesome. As producers, we’re focused on making things that keep our interest.
Something new comes along, and we like how it sounds, we’re going to re-create it and make our own version of it. It is a trend in that aspect, but I don’t think of it as us following a trend, I think of it as a trend that inspires.
When that new sound comes along, it just makes more people want to make it. I don’t think people are trying to change their sound or anything. No other genre can do that. Our attention span is super short too!
TMN: (Laughs) So, can we expect a Crizzly trop-house remix coming soon? Totally kidding.
Crizzly: I love everything. I listen to it all. I’ll always be doing hip hop, at this rate.
TMN: Speaking of the trends and the industry in general, what’s your outlook on some of the negatives aspects of EDM culture? Do you pay attention to DJ battles like what recently happened with MiMosa and Downlink, or do you just say “fuck it,” and focus on the music?
Crizzly: Oh yeah, it’s always just about the music with me. I always end up saying “fuck it”, however its inevitable to miss. I’m always focused on what I do more so. It was a good hour of entertainment though, just watching everyone freak out. I thought it was hilarious. The main reason why I paid attention to it all is because it happened in Houston, which is where I currently live. My whole personal Facebook was talking about it. I also thought it was shitty that he did that to Downlink, of all people. He’s one of the nicest dudes ever.
TMN: You’ve played at incredible venues all over the world, some of which have come on this stint with Warped Tour. What’s your #1?
Crizzly: There’s just so many! There are a good amount great venues all over. I could name one, it doesn’t mean it’s my favorite ever…I did play a fun show in Albuquerque. I played a really small bar, and it was so much fun playing, due to the vibe being way crazier. I like playing smaller shows personally, It’s more intimate and easier to connect with the people. Festival wise? EDC takes the cake. I just played Red Rocks with Krewella and Datsik, that was amazing too! I mean, they’re all amazing. It’s not like any of them are bad, but personally I prefer a smaller, intimate setting, where I can really connect.
That’s just my personal preference though. Nothing against any of those other venues.
TMN: You seem to have taken your own path through the years, doing things on your own for the majority of your career. Why did you take this DIY approach?
I like being in control of what I do. I don’t like giving up control.I do have managers now who work with me, and who are a guiding hand. I’m from a small town though, so I like going at my own pace, doing my own work.
TMN: Being a model of DIY excellence, what words of wisdom do you have for up and coming producers?
Crizzly: Be unique as possible. Create your own sound. You can re-create at the beginning, trying to imitate your favorite producers, that’s perfectly fine. When you’re ready to take the next step though, you have to create your own style. That’s the biggest thing. That’s what will catch people’s attention.
TMN: Alright, what’s on deck for you? Releases? Tour dates?
Crizzly: There’s a lot of releases coming out! I still don’t have the release dates, but I have a few originals that are ready and will be coming out soon!
TMN: At the end of interviews, we like to ask a few choice questions that are somewhat…off the cuff. So, let’s dive into these. If you were on death row, what your last meal be?
Crizzly: Hmmm. That’s a tough one. I’m going to go with Luby’s…the Luanne Platter: fried fish, mac n’ cheese, fried okra, maybe some jello, and a cup of sweet tea.
TMN: Name three things that are always in your fridge, no matter what.
Crizzly: Yerba Mate…hmmm. I don’t really cook much because I’m never home. Can we go with freezer?
TMN: Let’s head to the freezer.
Crizzly: Ok, Hot Pockets and waffles.
TMN: If you could only load up an iPod with one DJ/Band/Musician’s catalog, who would you choose and why?
Crizzly: Probably Drake. I have his whole discography. It’s nice to jam to.
TMN: What was your first job?
Crizzly: First and only job was Walmart.
TMN: That’s pretty crazy. You went from Walmart employee to well-respected DJ/Producer. You might not want to answer this, but have you ever been arrested, and if so, what was the charge?
Crizzly: (Laughs) nah, never been arrested.
TMN: If your music were an animal, what would it be?
Crizzly: I could obviously go with just a bear. Well, Panda Bear. Yeah. I like Pandas.