Look Out
It’s quite the known fact here at TMN that we cover a multitude of music genres. As a result, we try to make things a little easier for our readers by marking our posts with a genre tag. Sometimes though, it just doesn’t feel right pigeon-holing a tune into a specific niche when it could easily be listed under four or more. Such was the case when we came across the duo of Tucker Tota and Patrick Hart, or simply: Bad Wave. “Look Out” is the debut single from the L.A. based pair, and with its slick and rambunctious synth arrangements immediately has us conjuring up comparisons to the gritty dance and synth pop from DFA Records staples Holy Ghost! to vocal work paying ode to Phoenix’s Thomas Mars. Not a bad connection to draw for a first single at all. Furthermore, this one caught the attention of one of our favorite rising labels, Ghost Beach’s Crazy Heart Records (now also home to Karl Kling & Dart Party), which has only stoked our flame for Bad Wave’s eclectic take on pop. Let this one steer your disposition towards the sunnier side.