Oakland-based band Feed Me Jack rocked our SF showcase last month bringing their unique brand of indie rock to life in front of a full house. As they work on their full length album and experiment with new sounds, FMJ will be releasing a series of musical doodles on their Soundcloud page over the next few months and we’re stoked to be premiering the first one. “Humanzoo” demonstrates yet another dimension of the group’s creativity as they delve into psychedelic territory. Combining far-out vocal sampling, playful synths and syncopated percussion with their always smooth guitar work, FMJ create a tune that brings to mind the oddly infectious allure of Radiohead’s “15 Step.” Listening to their library thus far, it’s pretty remarkable the ever-expanding scope of styles Feed Me Jack have successfully traversed and “Humanzoo” bodes well for what’s to come. Vibe above and follow them on Soundcloud for more.
P.S. If you’re digging this track, check out our recent interview with FMJ here.