Wanna Be Cool
It’s here! After months’ worth of eager anticipation, Surf has finally arrived. Though initially advertised as a follow-up to Chance The Rapper‘s 2013 mixtape, Acid Rap, it was later revealed that Surf would be a new project led by Donnie Trumpet and his band The Social Experiment, with Chance playing more of a supporting role. Leading up to its release today, details were still pretty sparse, so it’s not surprising that the album was released without any fair warning, which seems to be a common trend these days. None of the features are listed on iTunes, but we promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the guests who appear throughout the record.
We’re still in the process of listening ourselves, so we haven’t had a chance to fully evaluate the project, but so far we’d say it’s lived up to the hype. Take a listen to one of the early tracks below, and make sure to head to iTunes to grab yourself a FREE copy.