Just Let It Go
A bridge between alternative and electronic is always welcome, and Nozart is here to provide this exact sound. Breaking a year’s worth of silence, this New York native has graced us with an orchestral creation that juggles a myriad of unique and stellar influences.
While comparisons may seem lazy to some, they can certainly aid to explain an unfamiliar sound to fans that they might eventually enjoy, and Nozart encompasses many pleasurable examples of this. “Just Let It Go” explores a mix of the notable songwriting of The Beatles along with certain instrumental elements of Vampire Weekend and Death Cab For Cutie. While these are bold claims, we certainly don’t make them lightly, as Nozart has developed his sound carefully and thoughtfully. Whether it seems silly to draw these conclusions on his new tune or not, we know it’s good and deserves to be heard. Nozart has something great going on. He already has prominent producers vouching for his abilities (Brasstracks and JNTHN STEIN, for starters), and we CERTAINLY are intrigued by his most recent effort. Do yourself a favor and enjoy his work above!