All Gone (Kodomo Remix)
Sometimes with the copious amounts of music being released digitally nowadays through an exponential number of online retailers and publications -maybe even all too often- a sonically textured soundscape which may require a bit more active listening gets passed over for a quick and catchy melody highlighting whichever genre-du-jour may be the hippest to write about at the moment. However, some tunes break through the mold and command attention through their own set of aural rules. The latest from genre-skirting electronic producer Kodomo falls into such a category, finding the New York based artist taking Allies For Everyone‘s (who premiered his own remix of his single “Bunker” with us last month) latest single “All Gone” into his own realm of silky, two-step melodica. From the careful droning of delicate drums to precisely pinned piano, and the reverb laden use of AFE’s original vocal track; Kodomo’s crafted a completely alternate view into “All Gone”. Deep and rich t extures are both built and torn down all at once by Kodomo, encasing a hermetic heart at its his revision’s core. For our seasoned electronic listeners, and fans of Boards of Canada, early Emancipator and Baths we’re highly recommending Kodomo’s remix to cut right through the Summer heat. Get more of Allies For Everyone from his busy Soundcloud here, and check out Kodomo’s “All Gone” remix above.