Library Voices – Drinking Games (music video) from Young Soul on Vimeo.
Sometimes in our ninja travels, we come across a band that makes us smack our forehead in sheer disbelief that we missed the boat. With the amount of amazing music that’s out there, it’s bound to happen. Take for example Canadian 7-Piece Library Voices. This indie-pop ensemble has been putting out music since 2008, and it’s a shame we’re just now sharing some with you.
Guilt aside, we’re happy to shine a light on this upbeat, poppy, and downright loveable Library Voices. The video above is far and away our favorite track to date. If you can listen to this song once, and not start singing it the next time you hear it, well, you must a strong adversion to catchy music. We must warn you though, the vocal harmonies in this track can make even the stingiest of singers belt out tunes at the top of their lungs.
Included below are two more of their tracks off their latest album. The first, “Generation Hadicap,” is a dancy, bouncy pop track that includes a magnitude of instruments and catchy lyrics. The second, “If Raymond Carver Was Born in the 90’s,” is a great blend of electronica and indie rock.
This sampling of tunes from Library Voices should be enough for you to start beating down their hypothetical door and asking for more. Hit them up on Facebook and tell them what you think!