[MP3 Playlist] Indie Dojo (August 2018 Round #4)

It’s hard finding good music sometimes. You gotta have some patience and whole lot of time on your hands to start digging through the depths of the internet. That’s where the Indie Dojo comes in. Now we know you aren’t going to dig every song we ever post, ‘cuz every one is different, but we’re pretttty confidant you’ll find at least one or a few you might add to your rotation. And knowing that we might’ve helped spark a new musical adventure in you is kinda all we live for.
’Dontask – ocean’
’Me&you – Drunk & Dancing’
’Appleby – Lady Sunshine (prod. Elias Abid)’
’TALES – So Blue’
’Kuoko – Birds On The Fire Escape’
’Juliana Daugherty – “Baby Teeth”‘

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