’Zak Waters – Over You (Available Now)’
We’ve said it time and time again and we will say it again – Zak Waters is the reason for the dramatic rise of unplanned pregnancies around the globe. Whether we like to face that truth or not, we cannot deny his ability to swoon us all with his soulful sound frequencies. We have been featuring most of Zak’s music on TMN for quite some time now and have come to love everything about his music. Not only does he fill our lives with passion, funk, and enough dirty love-making-groove-house to make us want to bump and grind into the night, but he has showed us an entirely new different side to dance music. So we decided that it was time to sit down with Mr. Waters and talk more about his musical upbringing, his recent EP release, and everything else in between. Check out the interview below.
TMN: Hey Zak! Thanks for sitting down with TMN today. We really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk more with us about what you have going on these days. You know, it has been really cool to watch you grow over the past few years from collaborations with Madeon, to Candyland, to Adventure Club and David Dolano, etc. Before we talk more about that side of music, can you tell us a little bit more about your background in music and any instruments you learned to play?
ZW: Well, i’ve been singing my entire life, but it wasn’t until I got into the 6th or 7th grade that I became conscious of it. My grandpa told me to pick up a voice recorder and listen to myself. I realized then that I had something good going on for me so I stuck with it and here I am now! When I was in the 8th grade, I learned how to play the guitar and electric bass.
Funny story about how I learned how to play the bass – I moved to Canada for a little bit and started school a little later than everyone so I was put in band class to which I was forced to play whatever instrument was left. I thought, “Oh shit, i’m going to have to play the oboe or something (no offense to all the oboe players who kill it).” However, it was the electric bass! I wasn’t quite sure why no one wanted to snag that instrument, but I lucked out for sure. I should mention that i’m actually not that great with the guitar or bass, but I do incorporate these live elements into my music and that’s something i’ll continue to do. When I was 20 I started learning the piano and know that very well. I love everything about that instrument so I love incorporating it into my productions.
*FUN FACT*: Zak was obsessed with 90’s R&B as an adolescent. TMN stamp of approval.
’Zak Waters – PONY (Out Now)’
TMN: Hey, you could have made the oboe sound really cool had you been forced to play that! (laughs) So we know that you used to be in a band back in the day. How would you say your experience with them influenced your transition into the dance music world?
ZW: To be honest, I really didn’t get into dance music until later on in life. I grew up listening to a lot of old school, 80’s/90’s funk. Eventually I got into hardcore music and guys like The Fray and Augustana. I actually used to hate dance music back in the day, but after I left the band, I stumbled upon Madeon and my opinion entirely changed – and i’m talking 15-year-old original Madeon. Once I heard him I said to myself “Wow, this is good music”. Hearing Madeon for the first time really opened me up to dance music and I’ve learned to appreciate it that much more.
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