It has been a long dream of The Music Ninja to bring you a site without cluttering advertisement. However, this has been a constant challenge and as we continue to grow, we face expensive roadblocks that take away from our overall core values.
Today we are very proud to finally have come with a solution that will benefit artists as well as bring extra revenue to the site in a much more interactive way.
Introducing our in-house PLAYABLE ARTIST WIDGET.
We have built a tool that will let artists promote themselves, their music and even upcoming tour dates. The sponsored unit will live in our sidebar, clearly labeled and in the least intrusive way possible. ANYONE CAN SIGN UP, whether you are a small bedroom producer or a label backed DJ.
Our prices will soon change, and perhaps even become private as we try to find the right balance, but with SXSW going on, we just wanted to launch it and build from the feedback we get. Soon, if it provides successful, we can eliminate all other ads on the site and start to enjoy a cleaner interface (something we have wanted from the very beginning).
For information on adding FLYERS or Advertising on our standard displays, contact us at ads@themusicninja.com
Feature list:
– Automated but SUPPORTED ( We will provide any type of support you need getting you starting as well as while the campaign runs)
– Soundcloud API Support (You will be able to track all your plays just as if we posted the embed on the site).
– Live tool (Our live tool lets you preview the widget before you submit the campaign, if you need any additional changes, we will gladly help you at ads@themusicninja.com)
– Concert Dates with Links (We let you link anywhere you want your fans to buy your tickets)
– Ninja Look (We tried to make it as part as the site as possible for higher interactivity)
This of course does not change any other aspect of the site. All the rest of the blog posts and tracks are hand picked by our team of ninjas that believe integrity can only be achieved with providing quality tracks every day.
As always thank you for your time! We are excited for what else we can improve 2014.