Time For Myself
Even though summer’s waning, legs starting to ache from almost-endless dancing, heads reeling with delight from coast-to-coast festivals, there’s no reason to turn down now. Keeping true, I was fortunate enough to experience the reality-melting, immersive odyssey better known as Feed Me’s Psychedelic Journey at Denver’s Ogden Theater.
Though I’d seen Feed Me several times previously, the surprises seemed endless. For those that haven’t seen Feed Me’s with Teeth live show, here’s a quick breakdown: a wall to wall, devious glowing grin gnashes at the crowd, in tandem with explosive beats and soundscapes that stretch the entire sonic spectrum. London’s Jon Gooch is at the helm, masterminding it all. For those that have seen it before, picture it all again, but magnified, amplified, re-energized and reconsidered.
Delta Heavy heavily instigated the entire party, igniting the crowd with dance-heavy hits, peppered with bass-soaked favorites along with tracks wholly new, such as Knife Party’s “Resistance,” a set which truly showcased DJ virtuosity and complete crowd awareness. When the time came for the curtains to drop and bare the Teeth, the crowd was properly charged.
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