Soft Light Rush (ii)
Nick Principe, aka Port St. Willow, has released a six-minute sonic and experimental masterpiece, with welcomed flourishes of folk, rock and even electronica. Led by his astonishingly delicate falsetto, “Soft Light Rush (ii)” is a true world of sound throughout, various instruments poking, prodding, and making brief appearances here and there: somber brass tones, a few lonely guitar strums, tingling xylophone. There are many elements at play, but the track is never too busy or crowded; in fact, it does an excellent job of having all these elements interact with great balance, always leaving enough space for each instrument to breathe in, exhale and shine during each of their select moments. Even when the tension starts to grow towards the 3:00 minute mark, the sounds somehow clash together harmoniously, and the track feels as though it’s finally woken up from a long, dream-filled slumber.