Body Gold
Well, the internet better be prepared for what we have in store for you this afternoon ninjas because we may or may not have just discovered the next HUGE sensation from recently debuted artist, Oh Wonder. The elusive songwriting duo just unveiled the inner workings of their mystifying original track, “Body Gold” and have metaphorically painted all of our senses with a shimmery layer of pure ecstacy.
“Let it go, paint my body gold. Take our bodies higher and higher.”
With only 33 (now 34) followers on Soundcloud and merely just a small group of 20 likes on their Facebook page, the ambiguous London duo, Wonder Wonder appears to be another mystery we are dying to solve. With the music gods working in our favor, we just so happened to stumble upon “Body Gold” and it was from that moment on where we knew we had won the lotto. If you think we are over exaggerating that notion, then you might have not listened to the enticing resonance “Body Gold” exudes to listeners. The moment you press play you are welcomed with a blend of organic elements and a contrasting vocal between a male and female, both simultaneously swooning us into a pondering state of pure peace. Wonder Wonder stimulates the mind, body, and soul to the point where all senses go numb to the etheral frequencies produced from this gem. So before we write an entire novel as to why we think Wonder Wonder is about to blow up the internet, press play and find out why our reaction to this gold mine is 100% justifiable.