Unbearable Light
“Unbearable Light” gave me such a blissful, encompassing experience. In only a matter of seconds, the deep, brooding synths, simplistic percussion pattern, and light, spattering of piano keys had me well inside my own psyche, enjoying the depths I was receding into. And that was all before I dug into the lyrics and vocal cadence.
Drawing on comparisons of Bob Moses and Ben Gibbard (Death Cab for Cutie/Postal Service)–whom I consider the one of the best songwriters of our time–this up-and-coming Londoner has my attention piqued. His previous releases elude to the fact that the quality is steadfast, far from a one-hit flash-in-the-pan. Each provide a gorgeous simplicity, tapping us on the shoulder to relish the beauty of a well-crafted song.
With a bevy of influences from hip-shaking hip-hop beats, timeless, soulful rhythms and iconic disco bass lines, as well as the genre-bending artists like Beck and Glass Animals, it’s safe to say we’ll continue to see Daunt pushing the boundaries.
If you find yourself in London on April 26th, make sure to head out and catch the his EP launch show at The Waiting Room.