Wolfsbane + Denver Ticket Giveaway and Meet & Greet!
The greatest T.V. series in history, Seinfeld, once stated that “Tuedsays have no feel”. Well, today our aim is to change that by giving our astute readers something to feel happy about. And what better way than with world conquering house producer Jonas Rathsman? Recently, the frequent French Express cohort (among an impressively swelling list of other notable imprints) layed down one of the most buzzed about Essential Mixes of this calendar year for Pete Tong’s lauded BBC Radio 1 show, shortly after dropping one of the biggest tunes of his career “Wolfsbane” (listen above), to create a fire which hasn’t stopped blazing since. This Saturday at Club Vinyl in Denver, CO, we’ve teamed up with our friends at TheHundred Presents to giveaway a free pair of tickets to his Mile-High City slated performance, as well as an exclusive meet and greet with King Rathsman himself, guaranteeing an incredible night of tasteful dance music and defaced debauchery.
Rounding out the bill is a b2b set from another TMN favorite Falcon Punch (hear his latest remix which was featured today here) and Denver’s Fun Factory in the form of: Falcon Factory. Be sure to get there early and tune your cochlear cavities for Jonas Rathsman’s two-hour performance.
Entering our contest is beyond simple! Just “like” Jonas Rathsman, TheHundred Presents and The Music Ninja‘s Facebook pages, and comment below on why you’re excited or deserve to win. That’s it! We’ll notify our winner Friday, the day before the show to set up our meet and greet with Jonas Rathsman. Good luck.
There are a few rules, of course:
– The event is 16+, so tell all your friends to increase your odds of winning!
– You are responsible for your own transportation.
– You must bring a valid form of ID to pick up your tickets at the Club Vinyl box office.
– You must find a TMN representative and let them buy you a drink (perhaps a Red Bull for our non legal friends?)
Start commenting and check out the rest of Jonas Rathsman’s U.S. tour dates below!
Jonas Rathsman Tour Dates:
July 16 Verboten Brooklyn, NY
July 17 Audio San Francisco, CA
July 18 Vinyl Denver, CO
July 19 Woogie Weekender Silverado, CA
August 7 Sound Los Angeles, CA
August 8 Splash House Palm Springs, CA
August 9 Outside Lands San Francisco, CA