Few acts burst out of the gates with such a far-reaching resonance like what we’ve been witness to with Oakland based troupe Day Wave, and for good reason. Cohesive and developed ensembles like Day Wave come along but once in a while in today’s highly saturated musical climate, so it’s with great excitement that we announce our next ‘The Music Ninja Presents’ concert in Denver, CO, headlined by one of the most exciting bands in any corner of the music industry. Most recently, the Jackson Philips led four-piece released their second EP Hard to Read, and after their earliest singles including “Total Zombie” and “Nothing At All”and of course the Mark Hoppus championed “Drag”, its only solidified their place near the top of countless critics’ ‘Breakout Acts of 2016’ list. On Tuesday, May 3rd at our favorite intimate venue, the Lost Lake Lounge, Day Wave bring their hazy brand of pop structured indie-rock to the Mile High City for the first time, and we’re beyond delighted to help ring them in properly with what will no doubt be a completely packed house. It seems like just yesterday we caught and interviewed Philips & Kevin Friedman’s (who is also an integral part of Day Wave’s touring band), first project Carousel, perform to about 20 people at the Walnut in Denver; so May 3rd also marks something of a sentimental show and reunion of sorts for a few of our TMN mainstays, but let’s save the nostalgia for a few weeks down the line…
Of course, it wouldn’t be a ‘TMN Presents’ night without letting our savvy readers in on the fun, so we’ll be giving away TWO pairs of tickets to this one. Entering our contest is as always, beyond easy. Just “like” The Music Ninja on FB, click on this post header if you’re still on the TMN front page, then comment below with your favorite Day Wave song, and boom, that’s it! (We even provided five below if you need!) And of course, we want as many people as possible to come dance with us, so for our friends looking to secure their spot, advance tickets are only $12.50 and can be purchased using the ticket link here.
There are a few rules, of course:
– The event is 16+ Be sure to tell all of your friends to increase chance of winning!
– You are responsible for your own transportation.
– You must bring a valid form of ID to pick up your tickets at the Lost Lake door.
Check out our preview mini-playlist, start commenting below and best of luck ninjas!