If you don’t have heard of this Sheffield-based brotherly duo, it’s the perfect time to start paying attention. Eoin and
Rory Loveless make up Drenge, who are currently kicking off a sizable U.S. tour in support of their second album, Undertow, which released back in April. The album is stacked, top to bottom, garnering the adoration of fans, press, and even the great David Letterman. You can listen to their album on MusicCritic along with other new entries of indie bands that are climbing the monthly charts. The website is a good place to hunt for new bands and songs that are not too mainstream.
After being turned on to the wild, raucous, and highly addicting “We Can Do What We Want,” we reached out to Eoin ask a few questions before we head out to see them in Denver next week.
TMN: Hey guys. Thanks so much for taking some time to chat with us before your upcoming show in Denver. How’s the tour going so far?
Drenge: We’ve enjoyed two weeks touring around the UK and we’ve just finished our second show in the States in Philly. It’s been great. We’ve known both the bands we’re touring with for a long time so it’s been great just hanging out with our friends. There’s no “getting to know one another” which can be difficult when your schedule is packed with soundcheck, travel, shows, press and sleeping.
TMN: We’re stoked to have you guys out here, especially at one of our favorite venues, Larimer Lounge. Have you guys ever been to the Mile High City before?
Drenge: Nope, it’s our first time. We always seem to play coastal shows in the states, so it’s a real treat to play somewhere more central.
TMN: This tour is currently in support of your Sophomore release, Undertow. We can’t help but notice the myriad of influences across the album. Let’s talk about “Running Wild,” which definitely has some grungy undertones. Did you guys grow up listening to a lot of bands from that Seattle scene?
Drenge: On Running Wild, we were going for a psychedelic game show vibe. There’s a refrain that runs throughout that if I was ever to host something like a dysfunctional “Family Feud” would be played whenever we move onto the next round. But yeah, we listened to Nirvana almost exclusively when we were kids.
TMN: On the other hand, we can’t help but hear a little bit of iconic punk influences, like the Ramones, Sex Pistols, etc in the catchy, anthemic style of “We Can We Do What We Want.” Did that happen by chance, or were you guys paying homage to someone you looked up to? Or, neither?
Drenge: It’s a clash of cultures – my favourite type of songwriting where you fuse something typically American with something typically British, in this case, it’s Jay Reatard garage punk and an eye roll nod to Libertines-esque indie rock from the early noughties.
TMN: Speaking of “We Can Do What We Want,” the video was one of our favorites of 2015. Where did the raucous, wild, and slightly anarchist vision come from?
TMN: That song also landed you a spot on Late Night with David Letterman. What was that experience like? Any butterflies, or did it not phase you to be technically playing for millions?
Drenge: We were focussed on playing the show as best as possible and fulfilling that function of ‘Closing band on Letterman’. I really enjoyed it, but watching it back, it seems like a very out of body experience.
TMN: One thing we’ve noticed is a little bit of lightheartedness infused into some of your tunes. From some of the lyrics in “Fuckabout,” to the Taylor Swift cover. Do you guys put an emphasis on taking yourselves too seriously?
Drenge: We really care about what we do and what elements of our band are taken seriously and where people can get in on the joke. Some of our songs, such as “Standing In The Cold” are personal and emotional and straight up, there’s no jokes there. It’s the goofy rock stuff where we’re really laughing at ourselves.
TMN: Let’s take it back a bit earlier. For our fans who are maybe just coming across your music, can you fill them in on how this whole thing started?
TMN: Looking forward, what can people expect from Drenge in 2016? Do you guys have plans for your third album, or are you going to tour like animals? Or both?
Drenge: Another album and some touring would be the dream. We’ve enjoyed our festival shows in Japan and Australia and would love to go back. More and more people seem to be coming to our shows in the States too which is great. But yeah, a couple weeks in the studio working on another record would be wonderful.
TMN: At the end of each interview, we like to ask a couple of random questions, just for fun. Let’s kick it off with this one – what’s been your favorite part of touring through the states, aside from your fans?
Drenge: I was just talking to my girlfriend about how unhealthy I’ve been eating (out of circumstance rather than choice), so I think my favourite thing about touring the states is when you finally get a healthy meal, some fresh sushi or an avocado salad or something.
TMN: If you were heading to a deserted island, and could only load your iPod or phone with one band’s entire discography, who would you choose?
Drenge: Neil Young.
TMN: If you could cameo on any show or upcoming movie, what would it be?
Drenge: Someone was going to put me in contact with Game of Thrones to be an extra but it fell through. So either that or the new Twin Peaks series.
TMN: What’s the most embarrassing job you’ve ever held?
Drenge: I’ve always been proud of every job I’ve ever had. I worked in a pub kitchen for a month, it was degrading but I took a lot from it.
TMN: Lastly, if your music were an animal, what would it be, and why?
Drenge: A special breed of dog called a Lurcher which is a cross breed of Greyhound, and Collie/Bearded Collie.
TMN: Thanks for your time! We can’t wait to see you guys perform in Denver!