Why Chime named is EP Featherweight, I have no clue, because this four track project is heavy as f***. Released on Firepower Records, this project is dubstep through and through. If you can’t handle the bass, you better get up outta here.

One thing we’ve always loved about Chime’s sound is the influences he infuses into his work to separate them from the usual batch of bass records that his contemporaries come out with. Chime’s always kept his own style that he’s tweaked over the years. Featherweight is the culmination of that experimentation, mixed with the now common riddim style that has taken over the dubstep genre. You’ve been warned – dive into the bass if you’re ready and add this EP to your digital library.

’Chime – Featherweight’
’Chime & Lost Vegas – Damage’
’Chime – Smokescreen’
’Chime – Missingno’

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