Why adventure club? Interesting name but it’s something you’d expect from an 80s movie, like “The Breakfast Club”, rather than a hard-hitting dubstep producing duo.
We were bouncing ideas off of each other for a bit. At first we we’re playing around in the ‘grimy’ area, but the mixes we were making didn’t seem to fit any of the names. When we got to Adventure Club, it just felt good. We enjoy the contrast between the playful tones of the name compared to the dark/dirty/yummy sounds that make dubstep. Omnomnom…
Having started producing in January of this year, making music must have been a recent decision. What pushed you to get into it?
We actually started when we were pretty young (Leighton with piano and Christian with guitar), and put a band together when we met in high-school. The band changed names, styles (pop punk, emo, hardcore, indie) and members a lot, but we always ended up sticking together.
This might seem like an obvious question, but why dubstep?
Before we got introduced to dubstep, we were huge hardcore fans (the screaming stuff not the techno stuff lol). The first track we got into was a gateway of both styles. It was a Bring me the Horizon remix by Tek-one “Sleep with one eye open”, and from there we started listening to a massive amount of producers trying to satisfy our new dubstep thirst. One night we just decided to fuck around with some sounds (none of which turned out well), but having that window opened seemed to turn our attention away from any of our other projects.
It’s been less than four months since you started, yet you’ve produced numerous incredible tracks; what’s your secret?
Why thank-you. We think the progression that we made through styles definitely adds to our music, and before Adventure Club, we had been developing a creative process together for years. Besides that, we just try to make/remix songs that we would listen to.
We think it’s awesome that you distribute your music for free, and even encourage this free distribution. Sadly this is not a choice that has been popular with many other artists. Why such an unorthodox decision?
There wasn’t much of a decision. As far as we’re concerned, the more people listening, the better. We never looked at our project as a business model because it wasn’t costing us very much to do it.
Like any producers, things must have started out quite small, when did you realize Adventure Club could be something successful?
A couple days after we released Daisy, lol (although our level of success so far is extremely debatable). It took off in our eyes (but again, any amount of attention feels crazy for us), thanks to a few blogs that took the time to check us out, (thegetdownnn, theburningear, salacioussound to name a few). That was definitely one of the coolest/most rewarding feelings.
What sets you apart from other dubstep producers is your oftentimes unusual, yet refreshing, choice of samples. Who have been the musical inspirations that have helped shape your present sound?
Oh man, this list could go on forever. We definitely take from many different genres, but a few of the guys we’re listening to right now are Emarosa, Mumford and Sons, Asking Alexandria, Thrice, Circa Survive, Miike Snow, Portishead, Agnus and Julia Stone, the Weeknd, Flux Pavilion, Skrillex, the xx, Zeds Dead, Nero…we might as well stop at some point.
Adventure Club thus far has stuck to sampling. Are there any vocalists or producers you would like to work with in future productions?
We’re excited to work on some original tracks, to get an E.P out. We’ve got some cool collabs lined up already. If we could choose a couple vocalists they would be Jonny Craig, Jesse Lacey, Ellie Goulding (we’d probably only spend our time pretending to not check her out), Elly Jackson (even though those two run a huge part of the dubmix world atm) oh… and obviously Ke$ha.
Your popularity has arisen from top-notch dubstep productions. Are you considering experimenting with other genres, or are you sticking to what you do best?
Uhm, we actually have a bit of drumstep work we’re sitting on at the moment, and maybe when the time is right we can unleash a few of our indie tracks. We still sit down with our guitars sometimes…
Dubstep was born in the UK, yet has experienced a recent boom in popularity in North America, to such a point that pop singers are playing around with it. How do you feel about dubstep going mainstream?
We like the idea of making dubstep more accessible. It’s a big umbrella already, but there are probably a lot of people who would love the pace and feel of the genre once they found a style that suits them.
When can we expect the world tour and platinum album release from Adventure Club?
When Leighton stops reffing little league baseball to commit to Adventure Club 110%. As he say so himself, there’s no ‘I’ in Adventure Club…what a goon.
Does Adventure Club have something special planned anytime soon?
We’re actually planning on eventually renting out a church to put together a real life Adventure Club.. oh and boys only.
With the dubstep filled release of the new Mortal Kombat, it is only appropriate for me to ask, what character would Adventure Club be, and why?
Based on our levels of in-game success with said characters, Christian will be Liu Kang and Leighton might as well be Sub-Zero (biggest noob ice-spammer in the world)
You’ve gathered quite a few music ninja fans after your release of your “We Don’t Eat “remix, anything you would like to say to the ninjas?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0 … we would never manage to put it better ourselves.
And a huge shout out to the Music Ninja! We’ve found more than a few gems on the site.
Bonus Track:
Keeping with their style of smooth, soothing vocals with deep resonating basslines, here is a new track from the duo released today
Thrice – Broken Lungs (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix)
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