Mandi Mapes Music

Every once in a while, it’s nice to take a break from the slew of emails, IMs, texts, and twitter submissions and just spend time hunting for music we love. That’s exactly what we did this morning, and we uncovered an absolute hidden gem.

Mandi Mapes has nine followers on SoundCloud. Her only song, assumedly her debut release, has a little under 50 streams, with a few of those coming from us hitting repeat. However, this will surely change soon, as people catch wind of her heartwarming, unassuming vocals, charming cadence, and thoughtful lyrics.

“Birmingham” is a peach of an indie folk song, recounting this singer/songwriter’s love for the Alabama city. It features plenty of southern flair, rife with bluesy riffs, accentuating brass, and the simple shake of a tambourine, all of which add to the infectious nature.

On her SoundCloud account, Mapes goes into detail on her affinity that inspired the song:

Birmingham, Alabama is a treasure. I had no idea the incredible decision I was making, the day I moved to Birmingham seven years ago. Everyone here has a story. Whether you’re a 23 year old hipster, playing in your first (and certainly not your last) band at Sound & Page. Or you’re a 65 year old African American woman who can still remember where she was the day 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed and four precious girls were killed. This is a city with scars & regrets, but also hope, forgiveness, plans for the future, a celebration of life, music and southern comfort food.
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