Cherry Lips
Aussie rockers Loon Lake have seemingly captured a piece of Americana, and did it while living over 7000 miles away. Yes, we know that Australia and America have their cultural similarities, but something about this track just feels like home. We could easily envision this song played in bars all across the states, and people absolutely loving it. Listen to it. It screams Friday night, cold beer, and frivolous encounters with the opposite sex. We honestly thought about strapping on some cowboy boots, and heading down to our local dive. We soon realized that we didn’t own cowboy boots. None the less, this gold old fashioned rock n’ roll tune will make you want to get out of your seat and dance.
This track was actually released a year ago, but has been offered up as a free download to promote their upcoming album. Make sure to follow these guys on facebook to find out all the details.