You feel that, ninjas? There’s something in the air. No, it’s not the bitter-ass cold weather. It’s not tax season. It’s the weekend, baby. It’s that time of the week when you can uncork, unwind, and just let it be.
Per usual, we’ve crafted a delectable collection of brand new tracks for you to enjoy, and they all happen to be free downloads. So press play, press download, take a drink, and most importantly: #danceirresponsibly.
’Jontron – All Deep Everything’
’Sultan & Ned Shepard ft Zella Day & Sam Martin – All These Roads (Xristo Remix)’
’Jauz x At Dawn We Rage – Proppa Demands (Original Mix)’
’Sevyn Streeter Feat. Chris Brown – It Won’t Stop (Sevag Area
201 Remix)’
201 Remix)’
’Big Sean feat. Ellie Goulding
You Don’t Know (Gazzo Remix)’
You Don’t Know (Gazzo Remix)’
’Still Believe (Avicii X Tritonal X Martin Garrix X Feri & Multi)’
’What You Do (Christina Aguilera X Alvaro & Joey Dale X John Dish)’
’Amenzo – Zartha (Original Mix)’
’Katy Perry
Dark Horse (Ravi B. Bootleg)’
Dark Horse (Ravi B. Bootleg)’
’Beware of the Boys (LooKas & D!RTY AUD!O Festival Re
’Turn Down For What (Dotcom’s Retwerk)’
’Alvaro & Joey dale – Ready for action ( Sikdope Trap Remix)’
’We Like To Party – Showtek (Elektrosex Retwerk)’
’Steve Angello – KNAS (Dillon Francis Remix)’