Love To See You Smile (prod. Ivan Jackson)
Hip-Hip & Rap is being dominated right now by variations of trap and party music. Feel good hip-hop has been less sought after, however with S’natra‘s single “Love To See You Smile” he’s shaking up the place. A soulful Summer hit is what he created with producer Ivan Jackson and vocalist Natalie Cressman. This is what I’d rather hear on the radio than Fetty Wap; although “Trap Queen” is pretty catchy, this is better. It’s just got too many good vibes emanating from it not to love unconditionally. Over the past few years, hip-hop has been a genre that I’ve been very picky about, and this is one of the best records I can recall by far. S’natra and company get two thumbs up, ten out of ten, five stars, and so on. “Love To See You Smile” is magic.