Sneak (feat. Pell, Michael Christmas, Wonda, & Maarlon)
Hip-hop has been beating its head against the wall for a while now. There aren’t a whole lot of artists out there pushing the sound, but one track I came along that has some personality and creative direction is “Sneak.” Casper & B. made this one with the help of fellow artists Pell, Michael Christmas, Wonda and Maarlon. For “Sneak” being their first single, they show a lot of promise. We will be keeping a sharp eye out on what they got going on in the future, but for now we have our ears all over this new jam. It’s a party-starting record with a truly sensational instrumental, paired with quality rhymes, making it a diamond in the rough. It’s more than simply a song, as they take you on a journey that lasts exactly five minutes long, but chances are you’re going to have this one on repeat like we do. Currently there is no download, but if anything changes, we’ll be sure to let you know!