on the shore
Sometimes sifting through an endless stream of new music each day can be a little taxing on the ears, but it’s all worth it when you find something like this utterly transfixing track called “On The Shore”. Crafted by Dublin duo Slow Skies, it’s got such a beautiful ghostliness to it, gentle and understated, yet so powerful and consuming. Karen Sheridan’s unique vocals sound so fragile, as though on the verge of shattering into a million pieces, and when she coos long “oooh’s”, she does it with such emotion, like she’s finally exhaling after years and years of holding her breath. If the music wasn’t enough to touch the depths of your heart, then let the track’s poetic lyrics do the literal talking:
Slow Skies forthcoming Close EP is due out May 4th. We highly suggest you look out for it.