Leo and I got the chance to sit down with DJ/Producer duo LMFAO and talk about their new video for Shots and explore what is the next step for this party duo.
They will be performing at Club Firestone this Monday in Orlando and we sure will be there!
But first, here is some great party music to accompany your reading
Q: How you guys doing today?
Doing good man, doing good Mr Ninja.
Q: Thats perfect it seems you have already started drinking a little?
LMFAO: oh yea were always drinking a little bit, We are actually on the bus and we were both taking naps.. Separate bunks of course.
Q: Oh please don’t tell me I woke you guys up?
LMFAO: Well.. you did but don’t worry we always sleep with one eye open!
Q: Before you guys started dj’ing/producing what artists were you most inspired by?
LMFAO: Well of course, the number one: Micheal Jackson then Prince because we started dj’ing a lot of 80’s and stuff and then DJ AM gave us a mix tape with some electro stuff and lcd soundsystem.
Q: So you started remixing 80’s song and then you’ve added a lot of synthesized Hip/Hop to your music and now have labeled it ‘Party Rock’, What exactly is Party Rock?
Well simply put Party Rock are songs that simply ROCK THE PARTY!
Q: We had the chance to see you when you came to Orlando and noticed you have a very simple pre-game ritual of drinking Grey Goose around beautiful girls, is there anything else you always do before performing?
LMFAO: We like to drink a couple of shots before we go on stage you know, we like to take the greygoose boottle on stage just because we like to cast the holy goose. We always try to have a couple of coronas available you know, dont we all? A bottle of Champaign is not required but it is recommended.
Q: For the crowd I see?
ha Yes Exactly!
Q: How do you guys balance the party life with actually sitting down and producing music?
LMFAO: Its a tricky balance especially here on the road but we go into zones where we go in and start pulling a remix here and there or we will work with artists like Lil Jon for his album. We are always making beats after shows. Since we are on the road playing at clubs we always get the chance to listen to the latest stuff so we are always working on something to keep us current.
Q: You recently released the video for shots and we wanted to know a little bit about it, how long did it take? Was it a simple formula of adding girls, booze and music or was there more to it?
LMFAO: Well there was a little more to it, it took about a day to shoot. We had to make the shirts for the video and all the wardrobe and cast the fat chick, which was very important. We wanted to make sure that we had the right fat girl.
Q: What about the models? Did you guys screen through them as well?
LMFAO: Nah they just came with us! All we had to do is take them off the bus.
Q: Based on the video I was a little surprised to how much it reminded me of seeing you guys perform. To some people it seems like you guys are just characters but it really shows that you guys are actually having fun when you’re on stage, have you guys always been this way or do you exaggerate your personality while on stage?
LMFAO: Well I think we exaggerate them just a tad bit because of the environment. When we are on stage we like to have it up, get crazy and drink a lot. I mean im not taking shots throughout the day every day, i may sip on a Corrs light.. When in Pennsylvania I may sip on a natural light.
Q: I was interested about the creative process of coming up with the lyrics, do you guys improvise it all or is it more of a bits and pieces from being on the road.
LMFAO: I would say bits and pieces until we find a situation that is worthy of a complete song. Like ‘Yes’, you know we deal with a couple situations that we had and we say YES! And we realized thats gonna be the title of the songs, its moments that want to make you say YES. I remember there was this one fan that she came up and said, you’re my new obsession and I jotted that down and said ok thats going to be a song… it ended up being used as a bridge.
Q: Is that the same process for “I am not a Whore”?
LMFAO: haha yea good point!
Q: You guys produce music, created your own clothing line and started an online community, what is next for LMFAO? What can we expect in the future.
LMFAO: I think possibly opening up a retail store. You know the next album the sophmore release.
Q: You guys currently working on that?
LMFAO: We are going to start in January.. We are still touring and still thinking about this album but after the tour we will start producing.