This past month, some of the worlds leaders in business, tech and entertainment gathered for a conference of epic proportions dubbed WORLDZ. Defined as a “cultural marketing summit”, the line up included Kelly Slater, Gary Vaynerchuk, Will.i.am, Deborah Dugan [CEO of (Red)], and Alexis Ohanian [Co Founder of Reddit].
I had heard some amazing rumors about its predecessor PTTOW! years ago, and knew that the evolution of that event was something I must attend. After an early morning flight, a 90 minute cab ride from LAX to Hollwood, and a quick run to the ATM for cash to pay the concierge to check my bag; I had finally arrived to the coveted event within the Dolby Theater.
Flash forward and I am sitting front row as Deepok Chopra presents Shaun White with a ‘Titan Award’, followed by some spectacular 80’s hair metal covers as Lucent Dossier danced in the background. I was dumbfounded, even Shaun White looked a little confused on how this was all happening at once. Lessons from the masters was an understatement, and with over 70 industries represented, the Titans were everywhere.
Uniting the top global leaders on the planet and integrating their stories into one consistent narrative was a brilliant approach to taking the audience right into the Universe of WORLDZ. And with pver 65 master courses taught by CEO’s, CMO’s, and cultural icons, it was set up as a accelerated learning university.
You are able to choose from a variety of classes happening all at once during multiple time slots throughout the day . The options seemed endless, it could be specific to your industry or you can actively avoid it by learning skills you’ve wanted to acquire for years. With the underlying themes being positive social change, cultural disruption, and taking your mission to the next level, you couldn’t go wrong.
From participate in a VANS workshop on experiential marketing and actually building a skateboard with a professional skater, to attending an augmented reality meditation class and having an open discussion on AR integrating into our daily lives; there was no creative ceiling to speak of, ideas was everywhere.
Each day way wrapped up by mingling with cultural idols and rising stars at a catered happy hour. There was an overwhelming feeling of acceptance withing that space, like everyone at the event realized we are all only humans (that all just happen to be up to some really kickass things!)
The sit down with Will.Iam and Gary V is just one of many fusions of industry they set out to intermix. Will has recently started an Artificial Intelligence company and Gary is one of his advisors. Their chemistry in this lecture would be hard to replicate. A feeling of deep, mutual respect and understanding for the amount of time they have both spent honing their completely unique set of skills radiated throughout the room
The energy was remarkable, the classes were intimate, and the speakers were people who all seemed to nonchalantly have 3 TED talks under their belt. It makes you think, when you put that many masters in one confined space, it seems certain to create an alchemical explosion of mass global shift.
To conclude the event you receive a standing ovation from a choir of people as you ascend the staircase to the main ballroom! “Losing site of the shore”, the theme of the second chapter in a 10 chapter series, I will certainly be back for Chapter 3. Elite performers, executives, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, creatives, game changers, and the future of tomorrow; all truly asking the same question, what Legacy do you want to leave?