Birdcage Chain
The excitement around our musical ninja dojo couldn’t be more palpable as we just might have found a future prodigy. MURAMASA, whose name derives from the famous Japanese swordsmith Muramasa Sengo, founder of the Muramasa school, is equipped with equally as sharp technical capabilities to create complex musical structures in the world of trap music.
If there is one thing that the dance scene is consistent of, it would undoubtedly be its cyclical nature of grabbing founding principles and taking them over the edge. Dubstep is a clear example, where in the last 2 years creating the most aggressive and weighted basslines produced the best of results. And if you follow its evolution, the post-dubstep era is soon changing from all the unnecessary and uncontrolled “bro-step” elements and rolling back to a more sensible and technical place that echos its very origin.
And this is why we strongly urge everyone to pay attention to this promising 16 year old producer. While he has nothing to do with dubstep (not yet anyways) it is his purified view of what trap music means to him that makes Muramasa a fresh new standalone act. The balanced layers of both bass and harmony, the progressive and controlled nature in his music almost comes out as poetic if it weren’t so BOSS. Trap, once dismissed as just another experimental bass genre, is gaining a lot of popularity and the milestones of its evolution can easily be witnessed by experiencing what Muramasa is bringing to the table.
Muramasa will be releasing a self-titled EP on April 2nd and today we have for you a signature track from the four track complication that serves as a representative to not only the EP as a whole but to his very movement he is creating. “Birdcage Chain” exhibits all the expressive nature of a typical trap single yet it is submerged in simple but substantive technicalities that are like nothing we have heard before. Play a preview of the song below as we all wait for the official release coming next week.