Love him, hate him or just don’t understand him, Lil B is without a doubt one of the most interesting personalities rap culture has ever seen. Coining the term “based” to describe his stream-of-conscious, at times incoherent, style, the Based God’s touched hip-hop in a way that’s freed up hip-hop artists to be as weird as they please. This influence is evident today, more than ever, with a new wave of quirky, creative emcees popping up constantly and the term “based” becoming a staple of everyday vocabulary in describing a state of flow or inner-peace. Over the last few years B’s remained relatively quiet, and in that same time Chance the Rapper who is an oddball in his own right, albeit a more coherent and widely accessible one, has risen to popularity.
A few weeks back, the two posted a picture together on social media announcing that they had recorded a full album of based freestyles from a single studio session sending the blogosphere into a craze. They’ve finally unleashed the project and it’s as off the wall as you’d expect. Fans of Lil B will notice him back in his comfortable form, just flowing off the top, while people who are just fans of Chance might find the project a bit confusing as the production is certainly a departure from what you might be used to. If you’re fans of both, like I am, you’ll just be happy to see Lil B return working with such a creative mind. Give it a listen below.
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