Walk On By
Photo Credit: Myles Pettengill
Now that we’re fully rested from a glorious weekend, we’re ready to bring you yet another song from Noosa’s upcoming album, Wonderland. Dropping tomorrow, we’ve already shown you almost everything from this stellar nine song collection, but we still have two more posts to go.
Before you get started with your comments on how ‘Walk on By’ has already been released, take a moment to listen carefully. This version has been edited a bit for a music video cut. So, while it might not be something brand new, we all have a music video to look forward to soon, which is always a plus.
Originally released back in 2013, this song caught the attention of the blogosphere rather quickly, racking up nearly a half a million plays. Not to mention it also had absolutely stunning remix that came along later via Sound Remedy, which amassed over 1.5 million plays.
It’s to the point now where people can easily identify this song within the first five seconds, based solely on the powerful piano chords that walk the song in. When paired up with Sky’s powerful lovelorn lyrics, this song is one that has made it’s way into the hearts of many, and with good reason.
That wraps it up for today. We’ll be back tomorrow with the last (and our favorite) song from the album!