Seeing talented producers go on hiatus isn’t something we look forward to as music listeners, but it’s a reality. The good thing is that a hiatus doesn’t have to be forever. Proper Villains went into the shadows for a bit, but now is back premiering his two new songs on Psycho Disco! here in the dojo.

The New York producer is hitting us with a one-two punch of club-driven house records. The first, “Twenty-Four Seven” is a smash that will keep you going all night long with its vivacious grooves and deep, bustling drums. The b-side “Kutumaini” shares a more upbeat, tribal sound that invigorates with its hypnotizing tones. Together these tracks are a major welcome back from one hell of a producer that we’re looking forward to hearing more from this year. He’s not going missing again, so stay tuned.

’Proper Villains – Twenty – Four Seven’
’Proper Villains – Kutumaini’

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