Crackin' (Martin Garrix Edit)
With a new start to the year, we’re kicking off our 2014 Residency program with a bang, welcoming in one of the hottest names in music right now. For the past year, no matter what club, festival, podcast or mix you’d come across, you’re almost certain to hear one song in particular. You know which one we’re talking about. “Animals,” exploded onto the scene, dropping by way of Spinnin’ Records.
Shrouded in mystery, the teaser that was released had no name associated with it. People curiously wrote up blog posts with incorrect artists being credited, chomping at the bit to finally find out who was behind that behemoth of a track. When the artist was finally announced, belonging to 17 year old Martin Garrix, people were instant ennamoured with this Netherlands born youngster.
Garrix has since released numerous chart-topping tracks, all of which have maintained his polished style that so many have come to know and love. Now that everyone is a little more familiar with this rising star, we’re offering up the opportunity to get to know him even better.
All this month we’ll be featuring content on Martin Garrix, offering up a deeper look at the man behind the animal mask. Make sure to check back in on the regular to see what we have in store.