I Found
Oh man.
You know when you hear a band for the first time, and all you can feel is shivers running down each inch of your spine because the music is just that powerful? It is one of the most magical feelings when listening to a good song or a good artist.
I got to hear Amber Run for the first time the other day and their hauntingly beautiful song ‘I Found’. The five gentlemen from Nottingham, UK want you to know, they are here to make music that is timeless, rather than cool in the moment music. “We’re not writing edgy music that sounds like 2014 – it’s music for the whole decade, not just for now. We want people to be coming back to our music in 20 years.” And the thing is, their music is a sound that could move from this generation to the next easily. Their stunning vocals combined with their calm melodies combine for a sound that makes you feel, well, just a little bit of everything. Have a listen for yourself and see why these rockers will capture your own ears as well as many ears to come.