Alright, ninjas. We’ve been hooking you up with free entry to Beta over the past year. We know you’ve have some epic times, catching some of the most legendary talent EDM has to offer, and we’re on board to keep this thing going. So, we’re once again giving you an opportunity to check out the best night club in North America for free. What all do you have to do to get in? It’s pretty damn easy. Just follow these steps:
– Head to the front door, and enter the club before 11 pm
– Show this post to the cashier (Valid for 21+ only)
Unfortunately this deal is NOT valid for Wolfgang Gartner this evening. If you want to check out his set, you’re going to have to buy tickets.

Wolfgang Gartner - February 13th
’Wolfgang Gartner & Tommy Trash – Hounds Of Hell (SiriusXM Premiere)’

Rage by the Pound Tour ft. Skism - Feb. 14th
’SKisM – Elixir VIP’

Sander Kleinenberg - Feb 15th
’Blue Bittersweet – Ilse De Lange (Sander Kleinenberg Mix)’