L.A. native Lincoln Jesser has displayed his deft touch within the pop genre time and time again. So, when we heard his latest tune would be a repurposed interpolation of Cher’s “Believe” we weren’t skeptical in the slightest as it was coming from one of our most revered indie artists throughout the entire musical landscape. Jesser has won our hearts through his opulent, pop tinged indie compositions, most recently on “Untold”, and today he’s hit the mark again with “After_Love”. The tune gets behind an appropriately borrowed hook from the original, but it’s been executed within a slick slate of melancholy, lightly drawn synths for a feel that we never would have dreamt of within a Cher cut. We’re quite excited to be premiering this one, so why not bask in our collective Lincoln Jesser glow. “After_Love” is being given away as a free download on Lincoln Jesser’s Soundcloud, and his Modern Color LP drops this September 23 which you can pre-order on iTunes here. Stay tuned.