Tag Archives: acoustic

Quickie: [Acoustic] Phoenix – Lisztomania

Awesome song, amazing acoustic version. Thanks to the guy of audiomuffin.com for a great Acoustic Post.

Phoenix – Lisztomania (Acoustic)

’Phoenix – Lisztomania (Acoustic)’


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[Acoustic] I Am In Love With Anya Marina…’s Voice


It is a fantastic feeling. The feeling of utter amazement, almost like what a kid feels as he visits a theme park for the first time. A music rush for this music junkie. Thanks to my stationary job I can afford to listen to music almost every day and every once in a while there is a song/artist that just hits closer to home than other.

Browsing around Sheena Beaston’s blog I came across the beautiful singer/songwriter Anya Marina from San Diego, California. A calm smoky voice softly covering the warm melodies of her acoustic guitar. It feels like Jazz, sounds a bit folky and it is full of enough alternative/pop elements to make your hands and feet move along to its charming rhythm.

On January of 2009 she released her latest album called Slow & Steady Seduction, Phase II. And just recently her cover of Whatever You Like by T.I. aired on the soundtrack of Gossip Girls. Covers are always great to hear but this song hits it out of the park. I really hope we see more of Anya Marina in 2010.

AnyaAnya Marina – Whatever You Like (T.I. Cover)

’Anya Marina – Whatever You Like (T.I. Cover).mp3′

Anya Marina -Satellite Heart

’Satellite Heart.mp3′

Anya Marina – All The Same To Me



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[Acoustic Cover] The Kooks – Kids (MGMT)

I have previously mentioned how I have grown a thick skin to all the way too many remixes of MGMT’s Kids. Yet this cover simply blew me away. The Kooks, a British indie pop band, have rejuvinated my liking to Kids with their amazing cover. The Kooks have been known to do many covers of popular songs like Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy and Coldplay’s Violet Hill.

The Kooks – Kids (MGMT Cover)[High Quality]

’The Kooks – Kids (MGMT Cover)hq.mp3′

And here is a couple of their other Covers:

Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover)

’Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover)2.mp3′

Young Folks (Peter Bjorn & John Cover)


Violet Hill (Coldplay Cover)


BONUS: Now lets reverse the process and see who has done a cover of The Kooks? Well its no one else than their British Sister (not literally) Lilly Alan covering The Kooks famous single Naive.

Lily Allen – Naive (The Kooks Cover)

’Lily Allen – Naive (The Kooks Cover).mp3′
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[Live Cover] Jonathan Coulton – Sweet Caroline

jonathan-coultonJonathan Coulton – Sweeet Caroline

’Jonathan Coulton – Sweeet Caroline.mp3′


The song is as sweet as Caroline…

via (Barulho.net Brazilian Music Blog)

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Quickie: Metric – Gold Guns Girls (Acoustic)

Metric is about to release an acoustic EP that will only be available through Amazon for the first month. Titled “Plug In Plug Out” it will be released October 27th.
Metric – Gold Guns Girls (Acoustic)


via [indymusic]

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[Chillax] Soft, Minimalistic and Amazing: The Xx

Not sure why it took me so long to write about The Xx. If you follow other music blogs or music aggregators like hypem, elbows, or mog, it would have been impossible for you to miss them. They took the internet by storm with their soft mellow songs that were melodically rich and incredibly fresh music style.

The Xx minimalist approach to their music is the perfect example that less is most often better. They band from south west London, England released their album XX on 17 August 2009. Some polls made by music bloggers suggest that this album might be the best of 2009. Whether you agree or not, this album is a must when all you want to do is relax to good music.

The Xx – Island


Buy AmazoniTunes

The Xx – Shelter (Them Jeans Drum Edit)


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The Xx – Basic Space


Buy AmazoniTunes

The XX – Crystalised

’The XX – Crystalised.mp3′

Buy AmazoniTunes

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Michael Rossback: Acoustic Rock at its Best


I recently discovered Michael Rossback music on thesixtyone and I do not know why I haven’t heard him before, his acoustic rock songs along with an impressive voice, similar to Chris Martin’s, just made me buy all 4 of his independent albums… with no regrets. Micheal Rossback spends most of his time in the studio producing other artist but that has not stopped him from recording his own music. Although most of his songs are comprised of acoustic instrumentals, his songs have a heavy rock influence. In addition, some of his songs have an experimental foundation that combined with his heavy but soothing rock voice, makes you compare him to popular bands like Radiohead and Coldplay. Micheal has taken me by surprised and I hope he does the same to you. I have included one of the most experimental sounding songs from him titled “In Dreams” from his album “In Dreams” released March of last year. “Carry My Weight” is a poetic, slow rock song from his album “Angels in Between the Lines
” released independently February of 2008. It is emotionally powerful enough to appear in a soundtrack of a TV show on some type of romantic farewell scene. On the same album, there is a much mellow, acoustic guitar, soft song titled “Best Dreams” that’s lyrics are as gentle as they sound sincere. I probably like this song a lot due to its lyrics that go “Give love away, live your tomorrow, today” a phrase that  everyone should try to live by.

In Dreams

”In Dreams”

AmazonWebsite Myspace

Carry My Weight

”Carry My Weight for You”

AmazonWebsite Myspace

Best Dreams

”Best Dreams”

AmazonWebsite Myspace

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