Tag Archives: acoustic

Mellow Music Madness

From her solo debut album titled “Sea Sew” comes Irish singer Lisa Hannigan‘s first single “Lille”, a mellow melodic instrumental song that is bound to lower your heart-rate. Her album Sea Sew was released in Ireland on September 2008 and then an American release followed February 2009. You can check Lisa receiving the Colbert Bump when she appeared on the Colbert Report here.

“Lille” – Lisa Hannigan


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This second song comes from American-born musician Sean Fournier. In his album “Oh My” (available for free download) spreads across many genres including folk, acoustic and pop. The song “Another like you” really stands out as the slow tempo and mellow acoustic in the background enables him to showcase his great signing voice. He is on a quest to spread his music around the world, and judging by the many great songs on his albums, I will definitely join his cause. Go to http://www.sean-fournier.com/ohmy/ to download “Oh My”!

“Another like you” – Sean Fournier

”Another like you”

Website Myspace

Quebec Antique is a project by duo Andy Dollerson and Michael Blake. Their Album “The Abbey Tapes” is a mix between Ambient and Electronica with sprinkles of Pop thrown in. If you like this song I highly recommend that you listen to “Right as Rain”, which sounds similar to some of Dntel and Imogen Heap’s slower, more ambient songs. You can listen to their whole album at their virb.com

“Sleep” – Quebec Antique


Buy Album WebsiteMyspace

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