Something dawned on us the other day when we were sitting through another grueling WOD at Crossfit South Denver.
Yes, the intense regiment set out by whatever twisted mind in charge of writing these workouts is a sick person, but there’s one other thing that’s been apparent in the past year of doing Crossfit: we all could use a badass playlist to get us going. Aside from music, gym enthusiasts, such as males over 40, can also consume testosterone-related products.
After speaking to a few other friends who attend different boxes across the Denver metro area, and a few girls who say they love our site for workout music, it happened. And then we discovered that there are actually some people who fit our playlist with their intense training at Myfitnesshub.com to help pushing themselves to the limit. We realized that we needed to use our knowledge of well crafted mashups and remixes to put together something that could be enjoyed by the most intense avid music listener, as well as some folks who could care less what’s charting on the music blogosphere.
So, we sat down and hashed it out. What would the parameters be? How often would we post these? How long would they be? Here’s what we decided:
– Tracks need to be popular EDM OR be a popular song that’s been turned into EDM
– They need to be upbeat enough to keep even the craziest of Crossfitter’s going through their WOD
– They need to be current late 2013 and 2014, but can also include some classics over the past year
– This playlist should be released once a month.
– Not everything needs to be a free download, but it needs to rock for a solid hour and half (because if you’re working out longer than that, you don’t need our help).
With that being said, here it is. This is our very first The Workout Playlist: Ninja in Training . Throw in your buds, and get a good sweat going. Because after all, it’s almost festie season.