Thievery Corporation
You could offer us any set of free tickets to any show at Red Rocks, and we would be pretty damn happy. However, if you’re going to offer up free tickets to see Thievery Corporation, Tycho, and Fort Knox Five, we’re going to be drooling over that opportunity.
D.C. based outfit, comprised of Rob Garza and Eric Hilton, will be center stage amongst thousands of Colorado concert goers, all admiring the natural beauty of those vibrant red rocks. Alongside of two other solid acts, this is a show that’s sure to be one to remember. So, grab a napkin, because you’re going to need one. We’re offering up one set of two tickets to this show on Friday night.
Entering is really simple, as usual. Just follow the rules and steps below! We’ll pick a winner tomorrow at 5:00PM Mountain time.
There are a few rules, of course:
– You must be 21 or over to enter.
– You are responsible for transportation.
– You must bring a valid form of ID to pick up your tickets at the door.
– You Must have a solid arsenal of dance moves in your toolbox to display on behalf of TMN.
Good luck, ninjas!