With the rise in the popularity of live music and festivals, particularly those of blaring bass-heavy nature, eardrum health has become a legitimate concern. As a ninja who attends more than a show a week, I’ve certainly noticed impact on my own hearing, which is not something any music lover wants. Luckily, as is the trend these days, technology has a solution to this problem producing ear-plug filters for shows that protect concertgoers from the wobbles of dubstep or the screeching of an electric guitar.
Doppler Labs, an NYC startup focused on “hearables,” have been at the forefront of this movement towards more conscious concert enjoyment with their sleek DUBS Acoustic Filters. While some may think that what seem like earplugs would make it harder to turn up to your favorite artist, the results are quite the opposite. Speaking from firsthand experience, DUBS serve more as an equalizer for your eardrums that adjust the levels of the music making it noticeably easier to identify and enjoy the subtleties of what you’re listening. Simultaneously, by keeping the decibels at a healthy level, they greatly reduce the chance of damage to your eardrums so that you can keep your concert life alive for as long as you are.
Doppler made a huge move earlier this year partnering with Coachella and distributing a pair of DUBS as part of the welcome package for all attendees. Recently, they’ve announced similar partnerships with both Tennessee’s Bonnaroo and San Francisco’s Outside Lands helping bring their important technology to literally hundreds of thousands of fans. As youngsters, they might not seem necessary, but DUBS are something to think of having both the short-term benefit of better sound quality and long-term benefit of actually being able to hear when you watch Kendrick perform his comeback tour in 30 years.
Because we got your back, and your ears, we’re excited to be giving away ten pairs of DUBS to our Ninjas . Simply enter your email below and we’ll contact winners by Monday, June 8th to get addresses and send the out! If you’re super eager, though, you can always cop a pair of DUBS now here.