Where's Your Head At (Team Bayside High & Willy Joy Bootleg)
Today, we are very pleased to bring you the premiere of a huge new track from Team Bayside High and Willy Joy. Both these names have been seen often on The Music Ninja, as TBH have released some of the heaviest trap we’ve ever heard with their remix of Pantera‘s “Walk”, while showing their versatility with the incredibly chill remix of The Postal Service. Willy Joy has been releasing free tracks almost weekly for the past several months as part of his “Free Willy Wednesday”, and has been featured many times on our Trap Dojo and Friday Party Playlists and has shown an ability to turn any remix he touches to gold. “Where’s Your Head At” by Basement Jaxx is an all time EDM Classic, and while it is generally a tricky situation to tackle a classic, these guys do it with ease. You’ll be sure to be singing along to the classic lyrics while Willy and TBH throw down some really heavy trap flavor sure to have your head banging at whiplash levels. As the current inception of trap music enters its sophomore year and the genre begins to mature, Team Bayside High and Willy Joy are sure to become real heavyweights in the scene. They both have the experience as well as a daringness to tackle any style and to push the limits of what constitutes Trap music. Hit the buy button to get this for the simple cost of a well deserved Facebook thumbs up.