Around the same time our wandering minds bring us to visions of roaring campfires on warm summer nights, witnessing a circle of friends passing cold beers and a bottle of bourbon, we start wondering when those heart-warming, picture-perfect folk songs will come along to provide the perfect soundtrack for those legendary experiences. Sometimes we find them before the sun peeks its head through the grey blanketed skies of winter. Sometimes they pop up right before fall, making us wish we could have had it that much earlier. Today, we’re experiencing one of those tracks, and it’s coming in at just the right time.
Releasing just a month ago, Tom Speight’s “Falling” is an endearing indie folk gem that leaves listeners wonderfully inspired, casually calculating their next adventure. Set to the backdrop of subtle finger-picking, larger-than-life strings, and rhythmic claps, it will carefully crawl under your skin, leaving you beaming, toothy grin spread across your face.
Beyond just the track, we also have an exclusive first look at the music video, which features April Pearson (Skins) and David Atkins (Hollyoaks). Take a gander below, then start making plans for one of those epic summer adventures.