Can I just say, I love me some good trap? And I’m talking about the trap that makes you throw back your head, let your arms dangle, and let your chest do the dancing for you. You know exactly the type of dancing I am talking about. So when you hear a trap duo throw down an EP full of everything trap music, it kind of makes you want to dance.
The duo is Andy Joplin and Jerrod Jordan AKA Kicks n Licks (I can’t help but smile when I type their name, and lick my lips, it’s just the truth). They have been mixing music for a few years now but have really developed into trap artists with their own twist. Most trap has a lot of dirty rap beats without the lyrics, something I am all for but I also love when trap artists throw in some unexpected beats and sounds that can still find themselves nestled in the “trap” genre.
Their new EP, “The Expedition”, takes us on a journey of four songs, each with their own unique sound. Personally, “Hit Em’ With the Horns” was an immediate win with me. The song starts with a slow rise in of electric beats, followed by a crashing of horns and someone telling us, hit em’ with the horns, and K&L do that, horns to the face. The trap sound is evident in this song, the beats are hard with drops and drums leading the horn sound along. The song has been on repeat for a good twenty minutes now and my neighbors probably aren’t too pleased but hey, hit em’ with the horns right? The other songs are not to be missed either, like I said, have an open mind the boys add some of their own personal trap tastes to the songs and it works very, very well.
K&L are more than welcome to hit this writer with horns, drums, clarinets, and heck trombones even if they keep this trap music flowing.