Overnight Celebrity Ft. Kanye West (Vices & Big Makk Remix)
We’re ecstatic to bring you the first taste of Vices‘ and Big Makk‘s remix of “Overnight Celebrity”! They take the original by Twista, which also features Kanye West, and spin it into a Jersey Club anthem. This remix doesn’t come short to any other Jersey Club tune we’ve heard. With chopped vocals, the standard drum beat, and even a trap break, this remix won’t disappoint. If you’re just now getting into club music and have no clue what designates this as Jersey Club, we featured another Vices remix earlier this month with a brief rundown explaining it. If you’re looking to “play something these pros will like” or trying to find as many free downloads to fill up your library, this remix by Vices and Big Makk is exactly what you’ve been searching for!