If you’ve been following our site for the past six months, you’ve come to know two things for certain. For starters, you’ve probably realized that we post some pretty bad ass music, and we’re a site that you should check out on the regular. More importantly, or more pertinent to the post you’re currently reading, is that we love ourselves Young & Sick.
Just a few weeks ago we posted an exclusive interview to get your psyched for this show, and we’re continuing that trend by offering up two free tickets to this show on Saturday, July 12th. There are a few rules involved in this giveaway, per usual. Peep the deets below and then enter for your chance to win.
Winner will be contacted by email Friday (7/10) at 5:00PM. PLEASE CHECK YO EMAIL, PEOPLE. This is the only way we can get a hold of you.
There are a few rules, of course:
– You must be 21 or over to enter.
– You are responsible for transportation.
– You must bring a valid form of ID to pick up your tickets at the door.
– You must have a be willing to get down on some soulful grooves on behalf of your friends at TMN.
– You must sing “I’m a Little Teapot” in a Ron Burgandy-esque voice while waiting in line.
– We were kidding on that last one. However, if you do accomplish that, you will forever live in TMN contest infamy.
Good luck, ninjas!