Tag Archives: acoustic

[Music Video] EMBRZ – Heartlines feat. Meadowlark (Acoustic)

“Heartlines” by EMBRZ and Meadowlark was a superb single released by Ultra Music that we played over and over when it came out. Now, we’re doing it again, but this time around it is the acoustic version of the song we’re jamming to. Not only that, but we get to see the musicians play it live with a video.

Beautiful would be an understatement for this. It’s something you have to experience to truly understand just how special it is. We thought “Heartlines” couldn’t get any better, but then they go on ahead and swoon us with this. If you’re starstruck like us, you might want to grab yourself a copy of the acoustic version from digital platforms today.

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[Acoustic] Rae Sremmurd – No Type (Xavier Dunn Cover)

Rae Sremmurd
No Type (Xavier Dunn Cover)

Rae Sremmurd‘s “No Type” is widely regarded as one of the hottest club hits. It’s one of those songs that everyone sings along to, even if you initially hated it. With that said, we are utterly surprised by Xavier Dunn‘s cover and how he managed to completely flip the tune and gave it an pure acoustic treatment.

Delicate guitar kick off the tune with a tranquil vibe, and Xavier’s well-crafted vocals are adding colors to the original lyrics. The chorus is definitely the spotlight of the track, as Xavier utilizes some harmonies of his falsetto melodies and simple drums to support the lengthy buildup. You’d be amazed by how entertaining and well the track flows. Who would’ve thought an acoustic version of the controversial tune would works wonders?

The Australian musician is a master when it comes to changing up songs. Make sure to grab a free download if you dig it or click here. We’re sure Xavier has a lot more tricks up his sleeves, as he constantly provides us with quality music.

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[Cover] Fade Into You – Mansions on the Moon (Mazzy Star Cover)

Fade Into You
Mazzy Star x Mansions On The Moon

Many times when something one loves from the past is brought up to the present day through another artist’s vision, it can leave that certain something feeling slightly tarnished or altogether compromised. So when we heard one of our favorite groups of the moment, Mansions on the Moon, took on the steep task of re-imagining  the folk meets drug induced psychedelia of Santa Monica’s Mazzy Star and their 1993 Top-40 crossover “Fade Into You” (another quintessential favorite of us Ninjas from the past) it was met with a slight air of skepticism. All of that superfluous reluctance, however, was easily subdued when the opening four chords of MotM’s stripped  down cover reverberated through our in-house monitors. Ted Wendler gives us his best Hope Sandoval impersonation, lightly pulling back on his typical soaring incantations in favor of a more restrained vocal style, and comes out on top of the defiant challenge. Gone is Mansions’ highly electronicized sound, instead favoring only one acoustic guitar for the majority of the tune until an enchanting climax is met with a shuffling shaker and serene back up vocal contributions. This all results in a moment that feels considerably bigger than it actually is. Let Mansions on the Moon’s cover of “Fade Into You”  take you back to your first middle school makeout session, and grab the free download above.

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[Indie/Dubstep] Ben Howard – Old Pine (Peking Duk Remix)

I already thought Ben Howard’s “Old Pine” was a beautiful song on its own. But Australian producer Peking Duk has transformed it into this magnificent-acoustic-happy-summer-dubstep masterpiece. I’m in absolute love right now with this track. The transitions from acoustic to synth, the cheery carefree whistling in the background, and Ben Howard’s signature mellow vocals enhance any sunny summer day for me in LA, and I’m sure that will apply globally as well. There’s a wonderful minimalistic quality to the track that makes it easy to appreciate for all listeners. I haven’t been following Peking Duk much, but after this one, I’m gonna be keeping a close eye on seeing what he’s offering to the music world.

Peking Duk’s remix of “Old Pine” is available for free download on his soundcloud. Go grab it!

’Ben Howard – Old Pine (Peking Duk Remix) FREE DOWNLOAD’
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[Indie] Alice Jemima – Far From Here

Newton abbot’s Alice Jemima has been making a name for herself lately with her new single “Far From Here”. The track is a testament to one big thing that is prevalent in the music industry today; the love of the music itself. Countless blogs are popping up, bands are more willing to give free downloads, and everyone wants to spread the word about good quality music. Hence Alice Jemima’s sudden popularity.

With “Far From Here”, Alice combines a sincere delivery with unique vocal lines, memorable hooks, and intimate guitar parts to offer the masses a look into her plans of escape- and an offer to take us with her. The success of the song shows that the world is once more able to embrace quality song writing (rather than caring too much about recording quality), as it was composed through Garage Band in true indie fashion. The vocal lines are repetitive and catchy, the melody will keep you tapping your toes, and the “oh” parts will be stuck in your head for days.

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[Acoustic/Remix] Gregory and the Hawk – Boats and Birds (Protohype Remix)

Gregory and the Hawk is the solo project of Meredith Godreau and many of her musician friends (most prominently Mike). She writes and performs mellow acoustic ballads. Her First few releases were self funded and sold through her website and using myspace as a promotions tool sold 15,000 copies of her songs. Till this day I still consider Boats and Birds one of the softests and sweetest songs I’ve heard so far and I hate to admit it but hearing Protohype’s remix gave me goosebumps. -last.fm

Gregory and the Hawk-Boats and Birds(Protohype Remix)

’Gregory and the Hawk
Boats and Birds(Protohype Remix).mp3′

Gregory And The Hawk – Boats And Birds (Original)

’Gregory And The Hawk – Boats And Birds.mp3′

Moenie & KitchiIf you like delicate acoustic melodies and soothing female vocals you should definitely check out Wild West and Gray Weather from her 2008 release ‘Moenie and Kitchi

Gregory And The Hawk – Wild West


Gregory And The Hawk – Fatcat Records, Grey Weather

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[Folk/Acoustic] Introducing Thomas Wynn & the Believers

The ReasonLocal talent always has a special place in The Music Ninja’s heart yet never before has an upcoming local band gotten so deep under my skin than the six-piece folk/rock group Thomas Wynn & The Believers, from Orlando, Florida. With their soft southern guitar strums and soaring genuine vocals, the live performance of “It’s alright” can only be described as being an acoustic oven pre-heated with enough soft and warm melodies to just melt your heart. It is almost embarrassing for me to describe music as heart melting, but if you took the time to watch the video above you cant help but to be inspired by their emotional honesty and genuine passion to perform the music they have carefully crafted. Thomas Wynn & the Believers are the type of band that makes local music junkies (like myself) proud to live in Orlando.

You can find their Feb 2009 debut album The Reason on itunes and amazon and expect a 2011 release coming up soon.

Thomas Wynn & the Believers – Its All Right

’05 – Its All Right.mp3′
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