Little Daylight
Overdose (The Chainsmokers Remix)
Overdose (The Chainsmokers Remix)
It seems we here at TMN can’t get enough of all things Little Daylight. Though they stormed the interwebs with their delicious and dazzling indie pop treat “Overdose” awhile back, there have since been a number of awesome remixes, proving that we’re not the only ones who have kept the track on repeat. We spotlighted Twice As Nice’s rendition, and today we’re here to feature another remix, this time by another ninja favorite, The Chainsmokers. With synths that progressively build up into huge, splashy bursts, lasers that blitz throughout, and wavering vocal effects that give it an added woozy shimmer, it’s a rework that’s satisfying in so many ways.
via KKS