Is there a more perfect pairing in hip-hop than Flying Lotus and MF DOOM? Although the two have only worked together a handful of times, their chemistry is undeniable, and over the years fans have clamored to see them in the studio again. Extracted from the revamped GTA V soundtrack, “Masquatch” might be the most impressive outing from the two yet. You have to give some props to the dudes over at Rockstar Games for helping this joint see the light of day, while allowing both artists to star on center stage with the freedom to do what they do best. Measuring in at a hair under two minutes, DOOM emblazons his emphatic, spastic flow over a crawling, ominous instrumental. After hearing what the two have to offer on this one, we can only imagine what a full EP between them would sound like.
Listen to the dope tune above, and make sure to also check out FlyLo’s recent collaboration with Krayzie Bone on “Medication Meditation,” which is also set to be featured on the updated video game soundtrack.